- The JQI was founded in 2006 as a joint institute between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Department of Physics, University of Maryland at College Park, MD. Its overall goal is to pursue the science of coherent quantum phenomena. I was one of the original Fellows of the JQI from the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory and now am an Emeritus Fellow of the JQI and an Adjunct Professor in the University of Maryland Physics Department.
- Nature Physics News and Views article on my January 2025 collaborative article about controlling chemical reaction pathways via a Feshbach resonance.
- University of Maryland press release on my election to the National Academy of Sciences (2023).
- JQI press release on my election to membership in the NAS (May 4, 2023).
- Election to membership in the National Academy of Sciences (2023).
- Our paper on propensity rules in cold atom 3-body recombination is a highlighted Editors’ Suggestion in Physical Review Letters (2022).
- Three-body interactions, not so universal after all (2019); see also Physics.Org (2020).
- JQI link to NIST news on interacting quantum matter (2018)
- Interactive quantum matter with atoms in optical lattice cells, article in Nature (2018)
- Quo vadis now, cold molecules? (2018)
- Chilled atoms enable deeper understanding of simple chemistry (2017)
- Atom pairs in optical lattices plus JILA article on the same (2016)
- OSA William F. Meggers Award (2015)
- 70th birthday/retirement celebration and scientific program (2014)
- New theory of universal three-body encounters (2014)
- Chaos in the cold (2014)
- Microkelvin molecular chemistry is a reality (2012).
- Borrmorean rings and universal three-body states (2011)
- Cold collisions tamed: quantum reflections (2010)
- Seeing the "quantum" in chemistry (2009)
- 2009 MURI grant (2009)
- New standard of accuracy for strontium clocks (2009)
- Scientists create first dense gas of ultracold polar molecules (2008)
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